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Chamber Ambassador Program

What Are the Benefits of Being an Ambassador?

  • Increased exposure to the Chamber and your employer.
  • Excellent networking opportunities, business leads, and visibility.
  • Increased credibility for both the individual and organization in the business community.
  • Discounted price to the Annual Chamber Banquet and special recognition at the banquet (for active Ambassadors only.)

Click Here To Apply for the Chamber Ambassador Program

What is Expected of an Ambassador?

  • Attend ribbon cuttings, grand openings, groundbreakings, and Chamber events at least 80% of the time.
  • Wear the blue ambassador blazer to all events, visiting members, etc., unless noted otherwise.
  • Believe in and support the efforts of the Chamber, our members, and partners.
  • Project a positive image, always maintaining professional conduct. Bad mouthing and/or gossiping (whether directed at a fellow Ambassador, the Chamber, our members, or partners) will NOT be tolerated and will be grounds for automatic dismissal from the program. The Ambassador will be required to turn in their jacket if this happens.
  • Receive and respond to all email communications within 48 hours.
  • Attend mandatory Ambassador Orientation, annually.
  • Attend 80% of all events to be eligible for renewal and Honorary afterwards. Absence from five consecutive events will result in automatic dismissal from the program unless noticed prior to the absences. 
  • Notify the Chamber Director or Ambassador sponsor if not able to attend an event, at minimum 24 hours prior.
  • Like, follow, share, and invite friends to the Chamber/Alliance's social media platforms.


There is a $125 fee for a new Chamber Ambassador. The fee will cover the cost of the jacket to be worn at all events. There is a $75 renewal fee assessed annually after the first of the year. Ambassador fees are non-refundable. There are no fees to be an Honorary Ambassador, unless the Honorary wishes to keep their jacket, then there will be a one time fee of $75.


Ambassadors will receive a Microsoft Outlook Calendar Invitation for each scheduled event. They will also receive emails, GroupMe texts and reminders about events.

Duties Include:

1. Serve as the “Welcoming Committee” at all events. This typically consists of 30 minutes to one hour of greeting visitors and interacting with business owners.

2. Strive to leave each visitor/member with a good impression of Arkadelphia/Clark County and the desire to participate in Chamber events.

3. Form committees to help with Chamber events

4. Visit members

5. Positive reinforcement to members about the Chamber.

6. Initial dues for year $125; this covers the cost of the jacket and then $75 every year after for up to four years of service.**

** The Chamber EVP reserves the right to review an Ambassador’s role in the program at anytime. Should an Ambassador fail to participate in at least 80% of all events, or if they are found to be expressing negative sentiments about the Chamber, its partners, or members, the Chamber EVP may respectfully request the Ambassador to relinquish their position.